Create and manage employee’s information (Personal information, Education, Salary, Schedule, Accrual plans…).
Leave requests by employees and approve/rejected by manager.
Accrual plans, schedules, and holidays to appropriately calculate leaves and remaining leave days.
Add job positions and assign to employees as needed.
Email Sending: Send invoice by email to multiple emails
Exports: All exports (to pdf or excel) in fixed (Fields and Report name).
Journal Voucher: Added remark and accounts fields in listing of Journal vouchers
Block/Unblock beneficiaries.
SMO - Second Medical Opinion can now be added to the claim
Direct claims : Claim can be set as direct from create page.
Tags: Create tags and filter claims by tags.
Print a simplified invoice for a claim.
Row added when adding new CPT will be shown from the top for better user experience.
Invoice Reception: Enhancements and updates for better user experience.
Audit: CPT Audit flow updates and enhancements.
Show plan benefits on issuing.