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New HR Module
Medical Certificate
Travel Certificate
New HR Module

Create and manage employee’s information (Personal information, Education, Salary, Schedule, Accrual plans…).

Leave requests by employees and approve/rejected by manager.

Accrual plans, schedules, and holidays to appropriately calculate leaves and remaining leave days.

Add job positions and assign to employees as needed.


Email Sending: Send invoice by email to multiple emails

Exports: All exports (to pdf or excel) in fixed (Fields and Report name).

Journal Voucher: Added remark and accounts fields in listing of Journal vouchers


  • Clone invoice.
  • Deleted invoice will be shown as cancelled.
  • Counter value can be selected for any invoice with a default currency.
  • Rounding total values.
Medical Certificate

Block/Unblock beneficiaries.


SMO - Second Medical Opinion can now be added to the claim

Direct claims : Claim can be set as direct from create page.

Tags: Create tags and filter claims by tags.

Print a simplified invoice for a claim.

Row added when adding new CPT will be shown from the top for better user experience.

Invoice Reception: Enhancements and updates for better user experience.

Audit: CPT Audit flow updates and enhancements.

Travel Certificate

Show plan benefits on issuing.

Siwar Center, Business Area,
Block B, Seaside Road, Zouk
Mosbeh, Keserwan, Lebanon
Siwar Center, Business Area,
Block B, Seaside Road, Zouk
Mosbeh, Keserwan, Lebanon

Augminter 2021 - All Rights Reserved